Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Accomplishing goals

Hot damn! I just saw my numbers for my blogs and I can't believe how much you all visit this site. There are only 2 conclusions- 1) You like what you are reading or 2) BRG has discovered my blog and stalks the crap out of it now ;) LOL I don't really care if she did but I do care that you all are taking the time to visit my site so thank you! I have had one hell of a year and I want 2013 to know that Im not scared ha ha ha! Last New Years I wanted to accomplish a few things and creating this website was one of them. Next year my goal will be to organize it and make timely posts like 1 time a week or something. I am constantly working on something for the kids, a project around the house (or some else's house), company or the latest crisis so I am sure I will have plenty to write about. I just want to challenge everyone to start looking, if you haven't already, at what you want to accomplish in 2013. I don't like overwhelming lists so I "Keep it simple stupid" and only write down 2-3 goals. If you make too many goals or try a huge lifestyle change AND 4 other things all at the same time, I don't think it will work and later you will end up with that same guilty feeling that you have before. We all know that feeling and it sucks! So if you are willing to share your goals then I would much appreciate it. My 3 goals that I will be trying to improve on are 1) Focusing REGULARLY on my websites and companies. 2) Being nicer to those that are not nice to me, even if it makes me grind my teeth. 3) Communication. I believe so strongly in communication and the older I get the more I realize that it could have fixed a lot situations. So instead of getting frustrated I am going to communicate the best that I can and 'communication' is not German for "one way" it means that I am going to hear others out and try to understand their side. BOTH WAYS, this has to go both ways in order for it to work. Now if the other party/person fails at communication then o well but I know that I will be doing my best! I hope that the holidays bring great joy to your life and that we are all ready to take 2013 by storm. CHEERS -Adrianne

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