Saturday, October 20, 2012

It's Simply Complicated

Many things have been sparking my interest in writing on my blog again. Food, politics, child rearing. You name it and I have an opinion! I would just like to state that I AM NOT PERFECT, I make mistakes but I think that I am growing and learning and changing. I'm trying to go off of a saying that I heard a long time ago- "Keep it simple stupid." Come on how much easier can it be? It seems to me that humans (I think mostly men) feel the need to change or interfere with things that are not broke! Or if something is broke we figure out how to insert a middle man, tax it, exploit it to the fullest and then when it all goes wrong we blame it on something else all together. Lets take for example our food. We (Americans) eat processed food with chemicals as part ingredients and then when our body starts to fail we turn to our doctor who then prescribes medication that can have horrible side effects... Before we get to far into this I would just like to point out that I am not against medications, doctors, hospitals etc. I am against bad eating habits and finger pointing at our bodies for having a flaw. Is it really that hard to look at what we put into our bodies and make the connection??? That saying, we all know it, "You are what you eat." O how true it is. My husband and I recently watched Forks Over Knives and another great movie Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. This adds to our movie list of Food Inc and Dive. I think that anyone who eats food should watch all 4 of these movies, twice! After cutting out 80% of processed foods, milk and meat I am happy to say that I have lost over 30 pounds and feel so much better in general. It is amazing what can happen with just a couple of changes and knowledge of what you are eating. I beg my fellow moms out there to watch these movies because we as moms are responsible for what we feed our families and what kind of eaters we raise.
Ill continue this discussion soon and get more in depth about each movie and why I recommend them so much.

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