into a full blown orchard, garden and pumpkin patch. I'm sure that the simple garden never had a fighting chance anyway. In this household, we are good at making things way bigger than need be. We can rarely do anything on a small reasonable scale. However because of this trait we have the room for said garden, pumpkin patch and mini orchard because we also bought a house that has a yard that can handle my farmers market. (paid 50k over our home buying budget too, go figure) Anyhow onto the mission. I am a visual person and love to look up pictures before starting projects. Some of my favorite gardens are
And what would any garden be without lights?
The yard looks way better now than it does in this pic but lets use this pic for the extra dramatic effect lol. Our first progress picture will make it look like we already made leaps and bounds ;-) OK- so what do I want to plant? I want onions, carrotts, celery lettuce, beans, strawberries, broccoli, lettuce, peppers and Im sure I will think of more. We also want a herb garden and we found an awesome way to plant herbs
Rosemary, thyme, oregano, basil, chives etc. I am probably the most excited about the herb garden because it should smell divine! A side note to all of this is that we have rabbits and birds that I am sure will be dining freely on our beautiful creations so we will have to plan for that as well.
Last year we planted Giant Dill Atlantic pumpkins (300-500 pounds- told you we can't do anything small) in May... oops because I should have planted them in February or March. Lesson learned and so this year we will be ready! But hey, last year wasn't a total loss, the kids had fun and nothing says 'It's Fall' like a pumpkin patch at your house! We will also add a couple of different types of pumpkins. Our 3 year old is ecstatic about it and that makes us just as anxious to get them going :-)
Now that we have an overview of this project complete with pictures and goals and annoucing it on the internet, I hope that in a couple of weeks or less I will have progress pictures to share with you!
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